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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Self-Destruction of the Federalist Concept
Thanks to the religious-themed lawyer blog Logos for the pointer to a great Chicago Tribune by Steve Chapman entitled The Late, Great States - Where Have All the Federalists Gone?, article reprinted at Slate. Sean Fosmire summarizes: Chapman suggests that the reason that current conservatives seem to have forgotten about federalism is that Republicans are in power now. When the Democrats held the Presidency and a majority position in Congress, conservatives argued in favor of decentralized authority in order to reduce the effective power of the national government and keep power in the hands of the states, where they could exercise far more influence. Now that they hold the reins of power, they are not so eager to make the same arguments. Thursday, July 22, 2004
Election Observers?
Balkinization has some comments on the recent vote in the House of Representatives barring federal officials from requesting foreigners to observe U.S. elections: "Saying that we are so afraid of international observers that we must officially bar their entry does little to elevate our badly battered reputation, and merely confirms an image of American arrogance." Sunday, July 11, 2004
Brad DeLong's Fahrenheit 911
Brad DeLong knows exactly how he would have improved Michael Moore's new movie Fahrenheit 911--make it tougher: When Cheney talks about how proud he is of Halliburton, I would have cut to somebody describing the Halliburton accounting fraud--the failure to disclose material changes in accounting practices that moved a big chunk of profits forward in time to the current year--that Cheney presided over, and linked that to Bush's Harken Energy trading and to Halliburton's billing practices in Iraq. I would have had a section on Cheney's claims that persons nobody can find told him of a direct threat to Air Force One on the morning of September 11. Saturday, July 10, 2004
Political Commentary Disguised As Legal Analysis
Washington Post reporter Susan Schmidt developed a well-deserved reputation during the Monica Lewinsky madness as a leading water-carrier for what might charitably be called "less-principled" elements of the Republican Party. Her blatant breaches of journalistic ethics, including complaining to the employers of those who had criticized her political bias earned her the nickname "Steno Sue." Schmidt's latest story, on the criminal investigation of the outing of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame, shows she has lost none of her eagerness to parrot the latest Right Wing attack line. Here's a partcularly egregious quotation: Plame's role could be significant in an ongoing investigation into whether a crime was committed when her name and employment were disclosed to reporters last summer. ... The report may bolster the rationale that administration officials provided the information not to intentionally expose an undercover CIA employee, but to call into question Wilson's bona fides as an investigator into trafficking of weapons of mass destruction. To charge anyone with a crime, prosecutors need evidence that exposure of a covert officer was intentional.Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo needed no law degree to realize: There's no 'challenging the bona fides of a political opponent' exception to the law in question. While Plame's alleged role may have some political traction, it's legally irrelevant. Government officials are not allowed to disclose the identity of covert intelligence agents, whether they feel they have a good reason or not.If the Bush Administration were more interested in doing its job than politics, the perpetrator or perpetrators of the Plame outing would probably be in jail already. Instead, they are still out there, ready to do more damage to the national security in the interest of political advantage. The Needlenose Blog has a good summary of some of Schmidt's other politically-motivated journalistic misadventures. The big mystery here is: Why hasn't a newspaper like the Washington Post that purports to aspire to excellence jettisoned the likes of Schmidt a long time ago?
Disappearing Prisoners
Nat Hentoff is rightly concerned about an ad hoc system of apparently illegal "prisons, set up after 9-11 [that] 'may be unprecedented in American history. They operate entirely outside the U.S. judicial system, according to a set of rules approved by the Justice Department [that] are also top secret.' " Nightline noted "three investigations into the deaths of prisoners who were being interrogated by CIA agents in Iraq and Afghanistan." The damage caused by such practices is obvious. What's not so obvious is exactly how these abuses are supposed to make us safer. Friday, July 09, 2004
Welcome Back, Cooped Up
After a hiatus brought on by his son's health problem, it's good to see the IU-Indianapolis Law's Jeff Cooper back in action at Cooped Up. Among the topics of concern: the Valerie Plame scandal. Thursday, July 08, 2004
McCain-Feingold & Freedom of Speech
Rick Hasen has some interesting thoughts over at Election Law Blog about the interaction between McCain-Feingold's restrictions and the operation of the press, movie makers like Michael Moore and the NRA. Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Department of Justice Torture Memo
Jack Balkin has some thoughts on the Office of Legal Counsel's notorious memos arguing that torturing prisoners is a legal exercise of Presidential authority: Beyond the simple incompetence of these memos, however, is their misunderstanding of the duties of Justice Department lawyers. The Justice Department does not represent the President. It represents the nation. The Justice Department, and particularly the OLC, is not supposed to tell the President how he can get away with whatever he wants to get away with. Rather, its job is to explain to the President how to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed, as the U.S. Constitution puts it. These memos fail that test. Indeed, they go out of their way to make questionable claims about the scope of the President's power, arguing at one point that far from having a duty to faithfully execute the laws, the President is not bound by them at all. These memos do not read as if the authors were acting as counsel for the nation. They read as if someone in the White House told them to write a memo that stretched the law as much as possible in order to conclude that the President can do whatever he wants. Tuesday, July 06, 2004
ABA Report on Criminal Justice Reform
The American Bar Association has issued a report recommending sweeping criminal justice reforms, including an end to mandatory minimum sentencing. The report notes that the United States imprisons about 4.76 persons per 1,000 population, compared to 1 per 1,000 in countries such as England, France, Germany and Italy. Few would argue that we are safer than people living in those countries. ABA President Dennis W. Archer observed: "For 20 years, we have gotten tougher on crime. Now we need to get smarter." Monday, July 05, 2004
Justice O'Connor Profiled
The Washington Post Magazine has a profile on Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The photo of her as a child on horseback is priceless. Sunday, July 04, 2004
Bringing Church and State Together to Reelect the President
TalkLeft has some qualms about the Bush campaign's blatant use of churches for political purposes. The more thoughtful church leaders justifiably fear such activities could lead to loss of tax exempt status in the future. Saturday, July 03, 2004
Ambition Gone Amok
Professor Jack Balkin has some comments on radioactive judicial candidates: These ambitious people may well have thought that doing the Administration's bidding would propel them into judicial office. In the case of Jay Bybee, who now sits on the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, the strategy worked. But that was before the Abu Ghraib scandals and the release of the OLC and Defense Department torture memos. Bush Administation lawyers who can be found to have participated in any way with these decisions are probably radioactive. Their judicial prospects are pretty much destroyed.I hope Professor Balkin has not underestimated the President's lack of shame, should he win another term. |